Fennel Tea with Lettuce to Relieve Bloating

Fennel Tea with Lettuce To Relieve Bloating  in a simple and natural way. In addition, Fennel Detox Tea with Lettuce  is a good tea choice for overall body health. With it, the body improves as a whole. The main feature of  detox tea  is detoxification. It has the ability to enhance the elimination of overload-causing toxins in the body. They are turned into faeces, urine and bile and discarded by the excretory system.These toxins enter the body by different means, but the main ones are fast foods, processed foods and medicines. Especially the bad diet that is currently full of preservatives, dyes, trans fats etc.

If they are not eliminated, effects will be presented as body swelling,  headache , above normal tiredness, indisposition, among others. Fennel Tea with Lettuce To Relieve Bloating helps  to fight these evils and, as it is a drink, it also helps to hydrate by replacing  Sodium ,  Potassium  and several other minerals that we lose through sweat or urine.

Fennel Tea with Lettuce to Relieve Bloating can  be indicated to promote your health, provide more nutrients and assist in weight loss. Filled with substances that cleanse the liver,  detox tea  has become a very famous drink among those who want to improve their body. With numerous benefits, the main one is the ability to enhance the elimination of toxins that cause overload in the body.

The name “detox” was given because the  liver  is the most important organ in the detoxification process (or detoxification), hence  detox . It transforms all the aforementioned toxins, which we obtain throughout the day, into substances that will later be discarded through feces, bile and urine. Therefore, with this cleaning, the process of diuresis and weight loss is facilitated.

This detoxifying ability is due to the fact that most of its ingredients have antioxidant substances. In addition to the benefits already mentioned, we can say that another important factor is that  detox tea  directly fights free radicals, agents of aging. In addition to this, cleaning and weight loss, we can mention some other great benefits. So, check out the  Benefits of Detox Teas.

  • Detox Tea Regularizes the Digestive System:  The digestive system works as a reflection of the diet. With a bad diet, the system ends up with a low of important nutrients for its functioning. With the increase in vitamins and minerals that  detox tea  provides, the digestive system will soon return to normal.
  • Detox Tea Accelerates Metabolism:  If done right, maintaining a juice routine, metabolism is likely to be accelerated. This is due to the fact that the organs that take care of your metabolism will function better due to receiving a dose of nutrients and vitamins.
  • Detox Tea Improves Colon:  If a person’s diet is filled with industrial, ready-to-eat or fried foods, the colon will need to make an excessive effort to reach them, as they are foods not common to the human body. For this organ to be healthier, it is necessary to consume a lot of fruits and vegetables daily. And since  detox tea  is generally composed of these ingredients, the colon will thank you for using this drink.
  • Detox Tea Stimulates a Healthy Diet:  Directly or indirectly,  detox tea  can stimulate an overall healthier diet. Psychologically, the body can establish a barrier against the foods ingested before the detox, rejecting them in some way. This is because the system realizes that it does not need such sugary foods or unknown ingredients and the result can be visible three days after starting the diet.

Now that we know the benefits of  detox tea , also check out the benefits of the ingredients:

Fennel Benefits:  Fennel  is  one of the most consumed herbs in Brazil, whether for its smell, its flavor or the benefits it provides, check out:

  • Fennel  fights intestinal gas ,  so it is widely used by those who suffer from flatulence – this benefit also makes mothers make children  drink fennel tea .
  • Fennel   is beneficial for breastfeeding mothers,  Fennel tea  increases  milk production  and passes it on to the baby, through  breast milk  ,   Fennel  helps in the prevention of colic that usually affect little ones during the first months of life .
  • Fennel  treats  uncomfortable indigestion.
  • Fennel  stimulates the appetite, being good for those who are bored .
  • Fennel  fights  cough.
  • Sweet  Erva  loosens the sore throat.
  • Fennel  prevents  bad breath.
  • Fennel  helps  to improve constipation.

Lettuce Benefit : Lettuce is a vegetable rich in fiber and easy to be included in the daily diet, being responsible for bringing health benefits such as helping to lose weight and controlling blood glucose, as it is rich in fibers that give satiety and decrease the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine. Following are all the health benefits that lettuce brings:

  • Help to lose weight, as it contains few calories and is rich in fibers that increase the feeling of satiety;
  • Combat insomnia, as it has calming properties;
  • Combat constipation , as it is rich in fiber;
  • Prevent anemia, as it contains folic acid;
  • Prevent cancer, as it is rich in antioxidants;
  • Maintain bone health, as it contains Vitamin K ;
  • Help control diabetes, as it helps to lower the glycemic index of meals.

So, now that we know the beneficial properties of  Mint  and  Ginger , check out the Recipe for Fennel Tea with Lettuce to Relieve Bloating .

no swelling



  • Bring the water, fennel and lettuce to a boil in a pan for 5 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and strain.
  • Drink up to 2 cups (400ml) per day

Useful links: 

OBS:  To really achieve good results it is necessary that you maintain a balanced and healthy diet. Also, To maximize results, don’t forget to practice some physical activity. Going for a walk every day is a good start.

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