Top 10 risk factors for stroke
The Biggest Risk Factors For Stroke That Many Ignore. In addition, stroke , is a Cerebral Vascular Accident, commonly called stroke , is characterized by the loss of neurological functions, persisting this loss for at least 24 hours. This event, which involves the central nervous system, is reflected as a result of a disturbance in cerebral circulation that causes a reduction in the oxygenation of brain cells near the damage site, causing, consequently, the death of these same cells. Many doctors and scientists claim that if a stroke victim is seen by a healthcare professional within 3 hours of the accident, the damage will be greatly reduced.
The former imply a reduction in cerebral blood flow. This flow is important because it allows the transport of oxygen and nutrients essential for the functioning of the cells that constitute it to the brain. If this flow is reduced or interrupted, brain cells fail to receive these essential elements and eventually die.
Hemorrhagic alterations correspond to alterations in the permeability of cerebral blood vessels or even their rupture. Thus, there is outflow of blood from these vessels causing the formation of a cluster of blood that compresses the brain structures, altering their functioning. When this happens, the functions performed by the group of cells that died are lost and the individual has what are called neurological signs, that is, manifestations of the lack of these same functions. Now check out, The 10 Biggest Risk Factors for Stroke:
News of the week:
Heart Diseases: Heart diseases, especially those that produce arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), increase the risk of stroke. Arrhythmias cause irregular blood flow and facilitate the formation of blood clots within the heart, which can travel through the blood vessels of the brain, decreasing blood flow and causing a stroke.
Some examples of heart diseases that increase the risk of stroke: heart attack , atrial fibrillation , valve disease , Chagas’ heart disease (Chagas’ disease) .
Age and Gender: Although a stroke can occur at any age, including among children and newborns, its incidence increases with age. The older a person, the greater the chance of having a stroke. Males and black people are more prone to the development of stroke.
Alcohol and Drugs: Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is associated with a large increase in the incidence of stroke, this is undoubtedly one of the Greatest Risk Factors for stroke . Routine consumption of alcohol leads to hypertension and inadequate blood cholesterol levels. The use of cocaine or crack is capable of generating arterial damage and hypertensive peaks, being associated with the development of stroke.
History of Previous Vascular Disease: Anyone who has had a stroke , or a “ threat of stroke ”, or other vascular disease such as a heart attack (heart attack) and peripheral obstructive vascular disease (narrowing of the arteries that supply the legs, decreasing blood flow ), is more likely to have a stroke .
Smoking: It is already widely known that smoking is harmful to health, The habit of smoking is strongly related as one of the biggest risk factors for stroke . Even the use of a small number of cigarettes (or pipes or cigars) is associated with increased risk.
The chemicals present in cigarette smoke pass from the lungs into the bloodstream and circulate through the body, affecting all cells and causing various changes in the circulatory system. Smoking should always be avoided! The benefits of quitting are real and are there from the day you quit.
Contraceptive: The use of contraceptive pills can favor the onset of stroke, especially in women who smoke, or with high blood pressure, or with migraine. It is very important that you consult your doctor so that he can evaluate your clinical condition and guide you in the best possible way, do not make any decision without consulting your doctor first.
High blood pressure : Known as “high blood pressure,” the term blood pressure refers to the pressure in the arteries that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body. The average blood pressure for a healthy person is 120/80 mmHg (“12 over 8”). When the pressure is high, it ends up damaging the blood vessels in the brain and can cause a stroke, stay tuned because high pressure has become one of the biggest risk factors for stroke.
The treatment of high blood pressure is very important as it reduces both the risk of stroke and heart attacks. Even if a person has only a little high blood pressure, it is necessary to consult a doctor to start the proper treatment.
Diabetes: Diabetes is caused by a deficiency of the hormone called insulin or a resistance to it. This hormone is essential in the metabolism of glucose (sugar) in the body. This is why people with diabetes have an excess of “blood sugar”. The goal of diabetes treatment is to keep the blood glucose level as close to normal as possible.
Good diabetes management with proper diet and medication makes circulatory problems less common. People with diabetes should carefully monitor their blood pressure levels.
Sedentary lifestyle: Physical activity reduces the risk of vascular disease, physical inactivity leads to weight gain, predisposing to hypertension, diabetes, inadequate levels of cholesterol in the blood, all risk factors for stroke already mentioned. Starting regular physical activity, for example walking three times a week, has health benefits.
Diet and Cholesterol: Excess fat in the blood (dyslipidemias), especially cholesterol, leads to the formation of plaque on the walls of the arteries. This makes them narrower and reduces blood flow, increasing a person’s chance of having a stroke . You can reduce this risk by changing your diet, particularly by reducing your consumption of animal fat.
Obesity must be controlled, mainly because of its association with diabetes, physical inactivity, arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia. To properly control your weight and lower your risk of developing a stroke, consult your doctor and a nutritionist.
Tips and Important Points to Prevent Stroke Risk Factors:
- Decrease the amount of fat in your diet.
- Adopting a healthy diet improves your physical shape and reduces the risk of vascular diseases (stroke, heart attack).
- Quitting smoking further lowers the risk and is immediately effective.
- Regular exercise improves circulation and helps to lower other risk factors for stroke .
- If you have high blood pressure, make an effort to take your medication as directed by your doctor, even if you don’t have symptoms.
- If you have diabetes, pay close attention to your diet and take your medication properly to keep your blood glucose level within the normal range.
How Stroke Treatment is Done: Stroke treatment , or stroke, should be started as soon as possible and, therefore, it is important to know how to identify the first symptoms,
so it is important to always call for medical help, connecting the 192, instead of taking the person to the hospital, as treatment can be started already in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.
If the treatment takes a long time to start, the person’s life can be at risk because the brain is not receiving the necessary oxygen. In addition, even with treatment, stroke can leave serious complications such as paralysis or difficulty speaking.
Useful links:
Note: The faster the treatment, the smaller the sequelae resulting from the stroke. It is also important to have preference for hospitals that are known to be prepared to receive a patient in acute stroke situations. Be aware of the Major Risk Factors for Stroke , as preventing stroke is much easier than treating it after it happens.