Discharge during pregnancy – what is it? it’s normal?

Is discharge during pregnancy normal? Clear your doubts here, because in addition to the inexplicable joy that being pregnant implies, women should be aware that we are going to experience a series of changes on a physical, psychological and emotional level, one of which is the greater presence of vaginal discharge, a situation in which a number of doubts arise. That’s why we consulted a professional capable of clarifying some points that are necessary to know.

Is it common for pregnancy to vary?

It is normal to increase the amount of discharge in pregnancy, but it remains with mucus and does not cause discomfort to the mother. This normal flow is favored by increased hormone levels and mucosal congestion during pregnancy.

Is increased discharge in pregnancy normal?

Yes, it is normal to increase vaginal secretions, especially towards the end of pregnancy. In general, it is characterized by a whitish runoff, with little odor and a lot of liquid. The flow increases even more noticeably as delivery approaches, becoming thicker and more mucus than usual. If this increase in flow were accompanied by itching, the loss of clear fluid would no longer be normal and it would be advisable to consult a doctor or midwife.

What is the cause of increased discharge in pregnancy?

The flow is more plentiful in part due to the increased production of hormones and increased blood supply to the vaginal area.

Can I prevent discharge during pregnancy?

Changes in vaginal discharge are part of the normal adjustment of pregnancy, so they cannot be avoided. However, some hygienic measures can be taken to reduce the discomfort that may occur:

  • Keep the genital area clean and dry. Change underwear frequently.
  • If the flow is really too plentiful, it can be used as a slip to avoid wetting your underwear. The use of tampons is not recommended.
  • Avoid tight pants, synthetic material, compresses or scented toilet paper, and perfumed soaps.

Can discharge in pregnancy harm the mother or baby?

In pregnancy there is usually physiological flow, which does not cause problems for the mother or baby. However, the flow can also appear with abnormal characteristics (pathological vaginal discharge), which is usually due to vaginal infections. This pathological flow can cause discomfort to the mother, of varying intensity, such as itching, irritation, burning, among others. Sometimes it can, through the inflammation it generates, cause premature birth or, eventually, the premature rupture of the amniotic membrane, exposing the baby to the risks and difficulties of premature birth.

Is it advisable to use daily protectors ?

Daily protectors are widely used by patients, however, they are not recommended, especially in those patients who generate persistent irritation.

What is the normal color that discharge should be?

The normal appearance of the flow is mucous, whitish, slightly denser during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

When should we go to the doctor? what symptoms are alarming?

Women should seek medical monitoring when vaginal discharge changes from usual, i.e., changes in appearance, color, amount, or is associated with discomfort such as itching , irritation, burning, pain, or increased sensitivity during delivery. intercourse.

What recommendations should we take into account?

In pregnancy there may be more abundant than normal flow, which is normal. However, if the patient notices changes in appearance or associated discomfort, suspecting a vaginal infection , it is important to check with your obstetrician who will assess current flow for proper and timely management. Self-medication is not recommended, nor is using treatments that have served for other situations.

How is discharge in pregnancy different from a mucus plug?

During the third trimester, usually at the end, it is possible to lose the mucous plug , which blocks the uterus to prevent harmful bacteria from entering and corresponds to a normally bloody mucoid-appearing (usually dark or pink-red) discharge. It is not pathological and can be seen commonly associated with hours or days before delivery. It is often confused with bleeding in pregnancy, and with pathological vaginal discharge.

Any tips to keep in mind?

  • Only wear cotton or natural fiber underwear. Synthetic clothing can irritate.
  • Do not use scented toilet paper or shower gels, as the chemicals in perfumes can cause an infection.
  • Wash underwear with mild soap instead of regular detergent.

What can I do with discharge during pregnancy?

There’s not much you can do to get rid of vaginal discharge in pregnancy , unless it’s caused by an infection that can be treated. You can use sanitary towels to soak it up if you feel it is necessary (don’t use tampons during pregnancy).

The following measures will help you keep your genital area clean and healthy:

  • Always wipe from front to back after going to the bathroom.
  • Wear cotton underwear.
  • Avoid tight pants and nylon stockings.
  • Do not use bubble baths, scented compresses or toilet paper, or feminine hygiene sprays or soaps with perfumes or deodorants.
Useful links: 

And don’t douche, because they can affect the natural balance of beneficial bacteria that live in the vagina and increase the risk of an infection. Also, doctors and midwives do not advise douching during pregnancy because it can introduce air into the circulatory system through the vagina. This, while rarely happening, can cause serious complications.

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