Diphtheria – What is it, Causes and Treatments
Diphtheria – What it is, Causes and Treatments that many are unaware of. Also, having problems with the tonsils, nose , throat and a rare phlegm? These are the symptoms associated with diphtheria, so be careful. You must know all the symptoms of this strange and dangerous disease. Here are its symptoms and how to treat it naturally.
What is Diphtheria: Diphtheria isan acute infectious disease caused by a toxin-producing bacterium called Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The disease affects the mucous lining of the upper respiratory tract, primarily the tonsils, nose , and throat . The hallmark of diphtheria is a thick gray coating layer at the back of the throat . The toxin released by bacteria is absorbed into the body and can cause damage to the heart, nervous system, kidneys and liver.
Diphtheria is more common in children than adults. Humans are the only reservoir of diphtheria bacteria. Bacteria spreads through respiratory secretions, direct contact with the skin and airways by the hands of an infected patient, or a carrier. The condition is more common in people who live in crowded places and treatment bonuses promptly.
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Symptoms of Diphtheria: Symptoms of diphtheria appear 5-7 days after the germs enter the body. The disease usually starts with hoarseness and a sore throat . This is followed by white or gray patches on the back of the throat , tonsils, nasal mucous membrane, etc. These spots then merge to form a thin, gray, thick membrane-like veil. It usually extends to the throat and tonsils.
It is important to know that any slight attempt to scrape the gray membrane will cause bleeding. Swelling of the neck and lymph nodes of the neck is enlarged. In severe cases, the neck looks like a bull’s neck. The patient may have difficulty breathing which can progress to severe airway obstruction and can result in death in young children because of their narrow air passage. Fever is usually of low quality but can sometimes be high.
Causes and Risk Factors for Diphtheria: How is Diphtheria Spread? The common route of infection is through droplets that are inhaled by a sneeze or cough of a person who has active disease. Bacteria can also enter the body through contaminated items used by an infected person; For example, drinking water from an unwashed glass used by an infected person. Once the organisms enter the healthy uninfected person, it takes 5 to 7 days to show symptoms.
The risk increases in children and adults whose immunity is low and even if they live in crowded places, travellers are also contagious in areas where the diphtheria epidemic. Chronic and adenoid tonsillitis are also features of the disease.
How to Treat Diphtheria: Since the disease is very serious with a high mortality rate, once diphtheria is suspected, the patient must be strictly isolated. The condition of the patient suffering from diphtheria can deteriorate rapidly and therefore, diphtheria antitoxin should be administered by the doctor as soon as possible. Antibiotics are also given, but they are not a substitute for antitoxin. Antibiotics are usually given for 10 days. In addition to the specific treatment of diphtheria, natural remedies play an important complementary role in curing the disease. The following steps must be taken into account:
Rest: The patient should take complete rest.
Isolation: He must remain in isolation, because once the nose and throat are complicated, they can quickly infect more people.
Lemon Juice: Lemon Juice to Treat Diphtheria, Lemon is known for its detoxifying properties. Due to its high potassium content. Diphtheria germs are destroyed by its use. Drink a glass of water with 1 to 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice each day.
Orange Juice: Patient should drink orange juice as it contains many immune enhancing ingredients, developing an active role in helping the body to kill germs. As the patient may find it difficult to eat solid foods, a light diet should be given.
Consume magpie bark: The magpie bark is effective in the treatment of diphtheria. The fluid extracted from the bark can be applied locally to the throat from the outside. It can also be used for gargling. Mix 10 ml of juice rind in a gargle glass of hot water.
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Raw papaya: Ties fresh raw papaya juice . Add a teaspoon of juice and a teaspoon of honey to a glass of water to gargle. This will prevent the infection from spreading. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned in this article, we recommend that you first visit your doctor and then start natural along with prescribed treatment as soon as possible. Naturally treating diphtheria can deliver a medical examination. Remember that it is a deadly disease and your health and that of others are at risk.