Activated charcoal to make effective homemade eyeliner!

Activated charcoal to make homemade eyeliner works without having to spend a lot on ingredients, and without worrying about side effects of the recipe. Plus, your eyes will be beautiful and chemical-free.

They say the eyes are the window to the soul and it’s true, the first thing we do when we meet a person is look into their eyes. We love to make them up and make them always beautiful, that’s why we use an infinite number of cosmetic products of different brands and compounds, but did you know that eyes are very sensitive to the use of chemicals and, due to their use, they can develop diseases and allergies?

With that, we don’t want you to stop putting on makeup, on the contrary, we invite you to do it, but using natural products. Today we bring you a fabulous recipe to prepare a beautiful black eyeliner in a completely natural way.

It will look spectacular and, best of all, it will take care of the health of your eyes!

Activated charcoal to make homemade eyeliner:

1- Black eyeliner


  • Activated charcoal tablets: 5 units;
  • Coconut oil: drops according to consistency.
  • Water


  • First you must use a completely clean container, it will put the activated charcoal tablets.
  • Subsequently, you must add the drops of coconut oil until you get a paste of medium consistency.
  • Apply using an eyeliner brush.
  • You can sleep with the product overnight, because due to its natural properties, it will not cause any harm.

2- Black eyeliner:


  • Almond: 4 units;
  • Coconut or almond oil: 10 drops;
  • Small container;
  • A lighter;
  • tweezers;
  • A knife.


  • Also, first, you must toast the almonds in a pan
    until the almond turns to soot, scrape it with the knife, remove the large pieces and keep the soot in the bowl.
  • Finally, mix the soot with the oil of your choice, adding a few drops, until you get a medium consistency, neither too runny nor too thick.
  • Also, store it in an airtight container and you’ll soon be ready to use it.

Additional Tips:

Be aware of the damage that constant fencing with chemical-filled products does to your skin  and eyes. We know you want to look good, but the way to do that shouldn’t be to harm the health of your eyes.

Useful links: 

Also, remember that the most important beauty is that which is invisible to the eye, and there is nothing more beautiful and pure than the natural beauty of a woman. If you also want to continue to make up your eyes, we invite you to opt for natural alternatives, such as the one presented above.

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