The 8 Causes of Losing Tooth Enamel!

The 8 Causes of Tooth Enamel Loss are very valuable, so knowing the  Causes of Tooth Enamel Loss makes the treatment of this condition much easier. In addition , Tooth Enamel Loss or dental erosion is a problem that occurs all over the world as a result of the exposure of enamel and dentin to non-bacterial acids present in our body  and in the acids present in the food  we consume, which causes mineral loss  from the surface of teeth .

Enamel is the hard, protective coating on the tooth  that protects the dentin. When the enamel disappears, the dentin underneath is exposed, causing pain and sensitivity.

Intrinsic Causes of Tooth Enamel Loss:  In people who have eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa or anorexia) and other gastrointestinal disorders with frequent gastric acid reflux, gastric juice often enters the oral cavity and this increases the risk of tooth enamel loss. tooth .

Extrinsic and intrinsic acids cause Enamel Loss from the Tooth . Keeping the oral cavity acid-free depends on the secretion of saliva as well as the ability of saliva to fight germs. The low saliva flow content and poor damping capacity cause extrinsic and intrinsic acids to remain in the mouth for a long period, which accelerates the loss of enamel from the tooth .

Extrinsic Causes of Loss of Tooth Enamel:  These external causes include consumption of beverages, acidic fruits and fruit juices, acids present in chewing gum, and exposure to acidic contaminants.

Soft Drinks and Alcoholic Beverages:  Excessive consumption of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages is one of the Causes of Tooth Enamel Loss as they contain high levels of phosphoric and citric acids. Likewise, certain acidic fruit drinks contain some acids that are more erosive than the acid in a battery. Frequent consumption of citrus fruits can also significantly increase the risk of tooth enamel loss .

Sweets:  The sugar present in sweets remains in the oral cavity even after several hours after consumption. This creates a conducive environment for tooth decay-causing bacteria to thrive and multiply. Sugar isn’t the only culprit;

Sour candies are worse than sugary candies for teeth as they contain high levels of acid. Some candies also use organic acids such as lactic acid, citric acid and malic acid to develop the sour taste. Anything with a pH of less than 7 is considered acidic. That’s why their consumption is one of the  Causes of Tooth Enamel Loss.

Teeth Brushing:  This is something we all do, but most do it the wrong way. Some people brush their teeth  for a long time, others not long enough. Some use the wrong type of brush or paste, while some others move their hand incorrectly.

Tooth brushing time , bristle stiffness and toothpaste abrasiveness can cause tooth  enamel loss . To avoid the loss of enamel from the tooth  the toothpaste we use must have a low abrasiveness and the toothbrush must  have soft bristles or medium stiffness. Brushing your teeth  before consuming erosive drinks can prevent damage.

Environmental Causes of Loss of Tooth Enamel:  Enamel corrosion can be caused by many other factors such as friction, wear, stress  and corrosion. Even a combination of one or more of these factors can cause Tooth Enamel Loss . Some people clench or grind their teeth , often involuntarily during sleep , causing intense friction between the teeth . This is called bruxism.

Biting Hard Objects:  Sometimes, some people who feel nervous or anxious have a habit of chewing anything they can get their hands on. It could be fingernails, bottle caps or pens or chewing cigarettes. This causes the tooth to fracture , such as cracks.

Medications:  Medications, vitamin C , iron preparations  and aspirin are acidic in nature. Acidic constituents and other factors such as regular and frequent intake, consumption of medication during bedtime and between meals, high viscosity and the side effect of reduced salivary flow may contribute to the increased risk of loss of appetite. Medication-induced tooth enamel .

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