Top 5 Causes of Allergy

The Main Causes of Allergy  that many are unaware of. In addition, allergies  are hypersensitive immune responses to substances that enter or come into contact with the body, such as pet dander, pollen or bee venom. A substance that causes an allergic reaction is called an “allergen”. Allergens can be found in food, drinks or the environment. Most allergens are harmless, meaning most people are not affected by them. If you are allergic to a substance, such as pollen, your immune system reacts to it as if it were a pathogen (a harmful foreign substance) and tries to destroy it.

Allergy  are very common . Public health officials estimate that about 20% of people suffer from some degree of hay fever (Allergic Rhinitis, Pollen Allergy  ). The number of people worldwide with allergies  is increasing. According to Allergy UK, around 30-40% of people have allergies  at some stage in their lives.

A few years ago, this increase was only apparent in industrialized countries. However, middle-income nations are reporting higher rates of allergy  in their populations. The most pronounced increase in  Allergy  was seen in children, particularly Food Allergy  .

A team of researchers from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine reported in Pediatrics that about 8% of Brazilian children have some type of food allergy . 38.7% of people with food allergies  have a history of anaphylaxis ( severe allergic reactions ) and 30.4% are allergic to more than one food. So, check out now  The Top 5 Causes of Allergy:

Allergy Causes and Types:  Researchers aren’t sure exactly why the immune system causes an allergic reaction when a normally harmless foreign substance enters the body. Allergies  have a genetic  component, which means they can be passed from parent to child.

However, only a general susceptibility to allergic reaction is genetic. Specific allergy are not transmitted. For example, if your mother is allergic to shellfish, that doesn’t necessarily mean you will be too. Common types of allergens include:

  • Allergy to animal products: pet dander, dust mites, cockroaches
  • Drug allergy: penicillin, sulfamides
  • Food Allergy: Wheat, Nuts, Milk, Shellfish, Eggs
  • Allergy to insect stings: bees, wasps, mosquitoes
  • Mold allergy: spores in the mold air
  • Plant allergy: Pollens from grass, weeds, and trees, as well as resin from plants such as poison ivy and poison oak
  • Allergy to others: latex, metals

Seasonal allergies  , also known as hay fever, are some of the  most common allergies  . These are caused by pollen released by plants. The main causes of allergy :

  • itchy eyes
  • Teary eyed
  • coryza
  • Cough

When to See a Doctor:  Allergy  symptomscan create many complications. Your doctor can help determine the cause of your symptoms, as well as the difference between a sensitivity and a total allergy  . Your doctor can also teach you how to manage your allergy symptoms.

For Food Allergies: Food  allergy  can  trigger bloating, hives, nausea, fatigue and more. It can take a while for a person to realize that they have a food allergy  . If you have a serious reaction after a meal and you are not sure, please see a medical professional immediately. They can find the exact cause of your reaction or refer you to a specialist.

For Seasonal Allergies:  Hay fever symptoms can mimic those of a cold. They include congestion, runny nose and puffy eyes. Most of the time, you can manage these symptoms at home using over-the-counter treatments. See your doctor if your symptoms become unmanageable.

For Severe Allergies: Severe allergy  can cause anaphylaxis. This is a life-threatening emergency that can lead to breathing difficulties, vertigo, and loss of consciousness. If you are experiencing these symptoms after coming into contact with a potential allergen, seek medical help immediately.

How Allergy is Diagnostic:  Allergy  can  be diagnosed in a number of ways. First, your doctor will ask about your symptoms and perform a physical exam. They’ll also ask about anything unusual you’ve eaten recently and any substances you’ve come into contact with. For example, if you have a rash on your hands, your doctor may ask if you’ve recently put on latex gloves.

Elimination Process:  Food  allergies are usually diagnosed through a process of elimination. Your doctor may have you on an elimination diet. This means that you remove certain foods from your diet and then assess your symptoms. Then slowly add food back to the diet and record your symptoms in a food diary.

Skin Test:  Your doctor may also refer you to an allergist for testing and treatment. A skin test is a common type of allergy  test performed by an allergist. During this test, your skin is pricked or scratched with tiny needles containing potential allergens. Your skin reaction is documented. If you are allergic to a specific substance, your skin will be red and inflamed.

Blood Test:  Your doctor or allergist may also order a blood test known as a radioallergosorbent test (RAST). Your blood will be tested for the presence of antibodies that cause  Allergy  (cells that react to allergens).

Allergy Treatments:  The best way to prevent Allergy  is to avoid what triggers the reaction. If this is not possible, there are treatment options available. Allergy  treatment usually includes medications such as antihistamines to control symptoms. Medication can be over-the-counter or prescription, depending on the severity of your  allergy . Allergy  medications include:

  • antihistamines
  • corticosteroids
  • Sodium chromonium
  • Decongestants
  • Leukotriene Modifiers

Immunotherapy:  Many people opt for immunotherapy. This involves several injections over the course of a few years to help the body get used to your allergy . Successful immunotherapy can prevent allergy  symptoms from returning.

Emergency Epinephrine:  If you have a severe, life-threatening allergy  , you should get an emergency epinephrine shot. The shot disputes the allergic reactions until medical help arrives. Common brands of this treatment include EpiPen and Twinject.

Alternatives:  There are many natural treatments and supplements marketed to treat allergy , but you should discuss this with your doctor before trying it. Some natural treatments may contain other allergens.

Allergy Prevention:  There is no way to prevent Allergy . But there are ways to prevent symptoms from occurring. The best way to prevent allergy  symptomsis to avoid the allergens that trigger them. Prevention is the most effective way to prevent food allergy  symptoms . An elimination diet can help you determine the cause of your  allergies  so you know how to avoid them. To help you avoid food allergens, read food labels thoroughly and ask questions during meals.

Prevention of Seasonal, Contact and Other  Allergy  comes down to knowing where allergens are located and how to avoid them. If you’re allergic to dust, for example, you can help reduce symptoms by installing proper air filters in your home, having your air ducts professionally cleaned, and emptying your home regularly. Proper Allergy  Tests can help you identify your exact triggers, which makes them easier to avoid.

Living with Allergy:  Allergies are common and have no life-threatening consequences for most people. People who are at risk for anaphylaxis can learn how to manage their  allergy  and what to do in an emergency situation. Most  allergies  are manageable with avoidance, medication and lifestyle changes. Working with your doctor or allergist can help reduce major complications and make life more pleasant.

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