7 health benefits of cardamom tea!

Cardamom tea holds a special place in many of our hearts. Is not? Some like sugar, and some want black. Some of us add basil leaves (tulsi), while others like lemon and ginger . Cardamom are normally in two colors black and green. The seeds of this plant are eaten and it is mainly used to garnish in curries and hot vegetables. It is also still used in desserts and ice cream to gain its distinctive flavor.

In ancient times, the Egyptians chewed the seeds in order to eliminate bad breath and clean their teeth. Only after some time the medicinal properties of cardamom were discovered and it started to be widely used in the preparation of food and teas.

What is cardamom tea?

Cardamom tea is prepared by boiling ground cardamom seeds in water, sometimes together with tea leaves. These seeds release their bioactive ingredients into the water, which gives this infusion a high therapeutic value.

In addition, cardamom is a traditional aromatic spice widely cultivated in countries such as Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Indonesia, Guatemala and Tanzania. Cardamom pods and seeds are used extensively in Indian and Lebanese cuisine.

Most commonly, it is used as a flavoring agent in baked goods and beverages – such as this tea. You may wonder what Indians or Lebanese see in these cardamom seeds to incorporate them into their cooking and drinks. Read on to find out what these secret bioactive ingredients are that make medicinal cardamom tea so delicious.

Health benefits of cardamom tea:

1. Improve digestive health:

Having a small cup of cardamom tea after meals is a good habit. Adding cardamom seeds to this drink makes it even better! Also, drinking this tea helps in complete digestion and assimilation of the ingested food. Prevents indigestion and flatulence after having a heavy meal by stimulating gastric acid secretion. If you feel nauseous, cardamom tea can give you quick relief. It can also treat constipation and the acute stomach cramps that accompany it quite effectively.

2. Promotes heart health:

Cardamom tea is rich in antioxidants like pinene, linalool, limonene and other phenolic compounds that can reduce free radicals that cause hypertension. In addition, the flavonoids in tea prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels without altering the levels of HDL (good cholesterol) in the serum. Certain components also modify or block the transport of calcium through blood vessels so that they remain dilated.

As a result, blood circulates freely through the vessels and places less stress on the heart and vessel walls. This helps maintain heart health and protects against cardiovascular disease.

3. Helps in treating the flu:

Elevated levels of sterols, polyalcohols, and vitamin A and vitamin C impart antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties to cardamom tea .

In addition, cardamom tea can treat a sore throat and dry cough and clear excessive phlegm generated due to microbial infections (eg flu) or hypersensitivity (eg pollen allergy) by boosting your immunity. Therefore, it can also reduce the severity of inflammation in the lungs and associated organs in conditions such as asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia by triggering the production of anti-inflammatory enzymes such as COX inhibitors.

4. Treats bad breath:

Having cardamom seeds, either in cardamom tea or directly, can help fight bad breath (halitosis). Bad breath can be caused by poor oral hygiene, chewing or smoking tobacco, diseases that lead to dry mouth, crash diets, etc. However, food trapped in your teeth and gums is broken down by certain bacteria to produce sulfur compounds, which give your breath a bad smell.

But some fungal or bacterial infections in the gums and in the pockets of the teeth also cause halitosis. In addition, the antiseptic and antimicrobial components of cardamom seeds, such as cineole and pinene, kill these bacteria and heal infected gums and gums.

5. Prevent cholesterol buildup:

The active components of tea leaves and cardamom seeds together flush out all the waste products that circulate in the bloodstream . Cardamom has essential terpenes such as myrcene, sabinene, carene, limonene, desmelene, cedrense and terpinolene, along with polyalcohols such as linalool, geraniol, verbenol, terpinol acetate and their derivatives in abundance.

These components scavenge free radicals , toxic intermediates, and heavy metal ions from your blood, discharging them into your urine. Due to its mild diuretic and lipolytic activity, this tea reduces swelling and water retention in tissues and joints, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the body, and ultimately leads to weight loss .

6. Leaves skin healthy:

Impure or deoxygenated blood with free radicals gives rise to pimples, acne, psoriasis, uneven skin tone, rashes, pigmentation and many other skin problems.

Adding powdered cardamom seeds increases your flavonoid and glutamine levels. In addition, flavonoids are potent antioxidants that scavenge free radicals in the blood. In addition, this tea also has anti-inflammatory and growth-enhancing properties. So it can heal rashes, wounds, bites, scars and bruises.

How to make cardamom tea?


– Cardamom powder: 1 tablespoon;
– Water : 4 cups;
– Honey or sugar or sweetener;
– Small pot or pan.

Preparation method:

  1. Bring the water to a boil in a pot or teapot;
  2. While the water boils, peel the cardamoms and collect the seeds;
  3. Grind them into a fine powder or crush them using a mortar and pestle to coarse powder;
  4. Then add this powder to boiling water;
  5. Lower the heat to a simmer for 15 minutes;
  6. Remove from heat and leave to infuse for 1-2 minutes;
  7. Then strain the mixture into a teacup;
  8. Add honey or your regular sweetener;
  9. Sit back and have fun!

Risks and side effects of drinking cardamom tea:

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There are very few risks and side effects associated with cardamom tea . Also, these effects only arise if you are allergic to cardamom seeds or whole pods or any of the spices that go into your tea or if they are of substandard quality.

  • Could Aggravate Gallstone Formation: If you are diagnosed with gallstones, it is best to have cardamom in small amounts – it can be as a spice additive in food, but not as a strong tea. It can cause painful and severe spasms that can be lethal.
  • May Cause Hypersensitivity: Drinking this strong tea often can cause allergic reactions if you are allergic to members of the Elletaria and Amomum genera. This occurs very rarely, but if so, you may experience nausea, diarrhea , dermatitis, and inflammation of the lips, tongue, and throat .
  • Risky for pregnant and breastfeeding women: Having high amounts of cardamom (in tea form) is said to cause miscarriage in pregnant women and can be lethal to the newborn if the mother has it while breastfeeding. However, there is not enough information to support this concern.

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