Bitter Almond – What It Is, Uses And Side Effects!

The bitter almond is a familiar type of nut . They can be sweet or bitter, depending on the type of tree that produces them. Sweet almond is produced from a type of almond tree and does not contain poisonous chemicals. It comes from a different type of almond tree and contains toxic chemicals. Despite serious concerns, people use the pit to use medicinally. It is used for spasms, pain, coughing and itching.

Volatile oils can also be produced from other fruits, including apricot (Prunus armeniaca), peach (Prunus persica) and plum (Prunus domestica). Similar to bitter, these volatile oils are considered poisonous.

How bitter almond works:

There is not enough scientific information to know how bitter almond can work on any medical problem. In addition, it contains a poisonous chemical called hydrocyanic acid (HCN), which can cause serious side effects.

What is bitter almond for?

Bitter almonds are used to make marzipan and cookies in Europe and can be used to make a kind of sweet syrup in Greece. In addition, they can be processed to produce almond extract and almond-flavored liqueurs. When boiled or roasted, prussic acid is eliminated.

How to use bitter almond?

There are two ways to work with almonds , they are: The preparation of milk or oil.

  1. In this first recipe, 30 g of almonds  without the shells, a liter of milk and 20 g of sugar are taken to the crusher or blender .
  2. After the substance becomes homogeneous, it is necessary to strain it. It is recommended to take two glasses of the solution a day.
  3. When the individual wants to prepare almond oil , he needs to crush 30 g of the shelled seeds in half a glass of water.
  4. The ideal is to ingest 6 ml of this substance twice a day.

Being an ideal recipe for those who have respiratory system problems.

What is the difference between sweet and bitter almonds?

Most people are familiar with sweet almonds  as they can be found in most desserts and in assortments of nuts. Sweet almonds  are much more common as they are produced only in trees that have a recessive gene, the only gene that produces the bitter taste.

Like bitters, sweets are often baked or boiled, but preparation is not necessary to eliminate the cyanide toxicity. Bitter can have 40 times more hydrocyanic acid than sweet. In terms of format, both are quite similar. Both have a brown shell and a white interior. However, it tends to be slightly smaller.

Bitter almond side effects:

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Do not use this type of almond as it is considered safe when taken orally. However, it contains a poisonous chemical called hydrocyanic acid (HCN). Serious side effects can occur, such as a decrease in the nervous system, breathing problems and death.

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