Carambola – what is it for, benefits and harms!

Star  fruit has an exotic variety of fruit that is packed with nutrients and minerals , which has recently gained popularity by potentials. With an unmistakable appearance and memorable flavor, Starfruit is definitely something you should add to your diet .

With the scientific name Averrhoa , Carambola is a species of tree that can be found throughout Southeast Asia and other tropical areas, including the Caribbean and Latin America. The fruit of this tree is widely cultivated for its uses in culinary dishes, thanks to its sour taste, a combination of apple , grape and citrus fruits. The entire fruit can be eaten, including the waxy outer layer.

Star fruit is also widely known as star fruit and is commonly used in desserts and can also be eaten as a vegetable in savory dishes. The juice can be used as a flavoring agent in many other dishes, particularly with shrimp . This fruit can also be dried and sweetened, as well as eaten as a candy. When the fruit is ripe, it will have a light yellow color.

Nutritional Value of Starfruit: 

Star fruit contains an extremely low number of calories (only 31 calories per 100 grams) but is rich in dietary vitamins, vitamin C and B vitamins, as well as phosphorus , zinc , calcium , magnesium and potassium . In addition, there is also the concentration of antioxidants in this fruit, such as polyphenolic compounds such as quercetin and gallic acid.

Skin Health: 

Armed with quercetin, gallic acid and other flavonoids, star fruit is packed with antioxidants that can fight the effects of oxidative stress and neutralize free radicals before they can damage your skin . This includes preventing or decreasing the appearance of wrinkles while keeping the skin hydrated and flawless as we age.

Weight loss: 

With a small amount of calories per fruit (28 calories on average), this fruit is recommended if you are trying to lose weight. Plus, it’s full of fiber and other nutrients that can speed up metabolism and improve inflammation, all of which can support your effort to shed those extra pounds. Fiber will also help you feel faster, decreasing the chances of overeating or snacking between meals.

Boost the Immune System: 

A single medium-sized fruit has about 50% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C , which is great news for your immune system. With a solid boost of vitamin C in your breakfast, your immune system will be working at a high level, with an adequate number of white blood cells, along with vitamin C as an antioxidant, throughout your body.

Fight Cancer: 

Research on  star fruit has  found that it can be a potent  anti- cancer fruit , thanks to its dense  antioxidant  and  fiber content . The polyphenolic flavonoids found in star fruit are able to fight the mutagenic effects of free radicals and release them from the body before they can cause damage and lead to chronic disease. Additionally, the fiber in  Star fruit  will cleanse the colon and reduce toxicity levels, lowering the risk of  colon cancer  .

Manage Blood Pressure: 

With a moderate amount of potassium, star fruit is able to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes by relieving tension in blood vessels and arteries. By eliminating hypertension, your heart will be able to rest, circulation can be carried out more efficiently and the fluid balance in your body will be properly maintained.

Star fruit side effects: 

Unfortunately, there are some Starfruit side effects that should be taken seriously, including lethal toxicity under certain conditions, as well as allergic reactions, kidney stones, and drug interactions.


While star fruit allergies are uncommon, they are not unheard of and can result in digestive disorders such as diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. When consuming Starfruit for the first time, try just a small amount to see how your body reacts.


Some of the compounds in Starfruit can be dangerous – and even deadly – ​​if not properly processed by the body. So if you have kidney disease and can’t filter out certain neurotoxins. Star fruit can result in headaches, confusion, nausea, seizures and even death. Most people with kidney problems and all uremic patients should avoid Starfruit .

Kidney Stones:

This fruit has a very high concentration of oxalic acid, which is good in moderate amounts when your kidneys are working normally. However, consuming this fruit excessively can increase your risk of developing kidney stones.

Drug interactions:

The active ingredients in Starfruit are known to interact with many medications. This inhibitory action can be dangerous if you are taking multiple prescription drugs, so speak to your doctor before eating Star fruit .

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