8 health benefits of sedge!

The benefits of sedge  that few know are many, because, first, let’s know what sedge  is and what are the health benefits. Sedges are known by many names, including yellow sedge, chufa, and walnut grass . In fact, they are not part of the nut family and are completely safe for people with any type of nut allergy . The sedge actually refers to the tuber of its plant, Cyperus esculentus, which is widely cultivated in Spain but considered a weed in many other countries.

A popular use is in creating a sweet, milk-like drink known as “horchata de chufa”, which is especially popular in Spain. It’s not just a tasty ingredient. Nuts are also a high- antioxidant food and can help prevent heart disease, making them a useful addition to your pantry.

Nutritional values ​​of sedge :

A serving of sedge (30 grams) contains about:

  • 120 calories;
  • 19 grams of carbohydrates ;
  • 2 grams of protein;
  • 7 grams of fat ;
  • 10 grams of fiber;
  • 1.8 milligrams of iron (10% of DV);
  • 28 milligrams of magnesium (7% of DV);
  • 1.1 milligrams of zinc (7% of DV);
  • 215 milligrams of potassium (6% of DV);
  • 0.1 milligrams of vitamin B6 (5% of DV).

History and uses of the sedge :

Sedge was one of the first recorded plants cultivated in ancient Egypt, often boiled in beer, roasted or served with honey. These were also used medicinally, as oral medications and enemas. Today, the largest producer of sedge is Spain, which was introduced to this culture by an Arab culture in the Valencia region.

They are now also found in the US, as well as many African countries and Hispanic regions. Many people eat it raw and also use it as animal feed, while Hispanic countries use these sedge mainly for the creation of horchata chufa. In the United States, the Cyperus esculentus plant has often been regarded as a weed, growing rapidly on various vegetable and cereal crops.

Far from being “just a weed”, an interesting use is its recently researched potential as a new form of biofuel. It has also been used as a cosmetic product, helping to slow down the aging of skin cells,  and as a fishing lure.

Health benefits of sedge:

1. Contains antioxidants:

You probably hear the word “ antioxidants ” a lot, but do you know what they are and the great things they can do? In the body, free-flowing oxygen molecules can create free radicals, also known as oxidative damage. This damage can eventually lead to diseases such as heart disease and cancer .

It is important to have a diet rich in antioxidants to protect yourself from oxidative damage over time and they are an excellent source of antioxidants . High in vitamin E and oleic acid, these “ junga nuts ” help in protecting your body from disease.

Certain cooking styles alter the antioxidant properties of sedge , although all are beneficial for your body. Also, for example, when preparing horchata, using sprouted nuts helps in retaining higher antioxidant content than using fresh walnuts .

2. Fiber source:

One serving of sedge has a whopping 10 grams of fiber , providing you with nearly half of your daily requirement! Fiber is an important part of your nutrition. When it’s not absorbed by your digestive system, it passes through your system, capturing toxins, waste, fat and cholesterol particles and flushing them out of your system. In addition, fiber  provides a feeling of satiety, maintains digestive health, prevents heart disease, helps with weight loss, and prevents diabetes .

3. Antibacterial properties:

Another benefit of sedge is its ability to fight bacteria in the human body. Additionally, one study found that extracts from sedge  actually had bacteria -fighting effects , including Salmonella and E coli. The  sedge  is also on a list of various dietary plants that can be used against common bacterial infections, especially for those people who have developed antibiotic resistance in third world countries.

While sedge helps fight the bad bacteria in your body, they also help your digestive tract by acting as a “resistant starch” prebiotic. Additionally, prebiotics work as sources of energy (a kind of “fuel”) for the positive gut bacteria that keep your entire digestive system running smoothly.

Since a rapid change in gut microflora can temporarily upset your stomach , it’s a good idea to gradually introduce “resistant starch” parabiotics into your diet. This can prevent any temporary gas or bloating that might otherwise be experienced.

4. Control diabetes:

Are you at risk for diabetes or high sugar problems? They can be a great addition to your snack cabinet. In addition, the insoluble fiber present in these tubers helps in controlling blood sugar levels as it is a type of carbohydrate that does not raise blood sugar. A 2015 study looked at the effects of Cyperus rotundus which has many antioxidant properties similar to sedge on diabetic rats.

5. Lower bad cholesterol:

While there’s a lot of misinformation about good and bad cholesterol , it’s still important to maintain healthy levels of each. Furthermore, they have been proven to lower LDL cholesterol levels and balance cholesterol levels by absorbing it better due to the fiber content.

6. Improves sex life:

A preliminary 2015 study looked at how consumption affected copulatory behavior in male rats. Furthermore, the results of the study showed that the sedge improved the sexual performance of the rats, inferring a possible benefit for human male sexual performance as well.

Joint precautions:

While extremely rare, there have been a few cases of allergies reported. Also, if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction, see your doctor right away.

Final considerations:

They are often used to make a sweet, milk-like drink known as horchata de chufa, especially popular in Spain. Sedge benefits include a high load of antioxidants , providing a great source of fiber , maintaining antibacterial properties, working as a prebiotic, controlling diabetes , lowering bad cholesterol , and improving your sex life.

Useful links: 

In the United States, the  sedge plant has often been regarded as a weed, growing rapidly in various vegetable and cereal crops. Furthermore, far from being “just a weed”, an interesting use of these sedges is their recently researched ability as a new form of biofuel.

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