Does Bacaba lose weight or gain weight? how to consume, benefits!
Whether bacaba makes you lose weight or gain weight and how to use it to lose weight are one of the most frequently asked questions because it is widely consumed in Brazil. See this full review.
Bacaba is a native palm tree in the Amazon, known as Bacaba-açu or Bacaba-true. Bacaba can also be found in the Pacific rainforest of western Colombia. Its bunches weigh from 3 to 4 kg and have fruits of approximately 3.0 grams each.
Despite being extremely nutritious, the question remains: does bacaba lose weight or gain weight? Many people believe that bacaba makes you fat , others that bacaba makes you slim , read this article until the end and unravel this doubt that messes with many people’s heads.
Nutritional value of bacaba:
In terms of nutritional value, it doesn’t lose anything to açaí berry . It is rich in protein and carbohydrates. Its juice is a powerful source of energy, which provides 212 kilocalories in 100g of the product. The same amount of beef, for example, provides 70% fewer kilocalories, just 140 Kcal. but, After all, does bacaba lose weight or gain weight? Calm down, let’s get there. Before that, see some of the health benefits of bacaba .
Health benefits of bacaba:
Against diabetes:
It has phenolic substances that can prevent the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The fruit revealed important antioxidant activity, which helps in the fight against free radicals.
Against breast cancer:
It exerts an antiproliferative activity of phenolic substances on breast cancer cells: the cells would commit a kind of suicide, keeping them to themselves.
For skin:
Bacaba has a high level of fatty acids that are unsaturated such as oleic and linoleic. They provide the oil with emollient properties, making it specific for use on the skin .
Treat dry cough:
Syrup extracted from bacaba is excellent for fighting the famous dog cough . That dry , boring cough is called dog cough .
Against chronic diseases:
Bacaba has phenolic substances. According to scientific research, phenolic substances can prevent the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases .
Controlling cholesterol levels:
Soluble fibers, such as beta-glucan present in bacaba , produce physical effects in the small intestine with the formation of soluble gels that alter the body’s absorption of cholesterol , thus helping to control serum cholesterol levels and reducing cardiovascular risk. Calm down, we’ll know if the bacaba is thin or fattening.
Does Bacaba lose weight or not?
Well, to answer whether bacaba is fattening or slimming, you first need to be aware that many foods consumed in excess can make you fat. This varies greatly by calories and genetics. Even if consumed in excess, it does not gain weight because it contains few calories.
So, does bacaba lose weight?
That’s right, the bacaba loses weight ! All this is due to the satiety that bacaba offers. Its fiber and low calories are also of paramount importance for weight loss. So, if you have doubts that bacaba loses weight , be sure that bacaba really does lose weight !
How to prepare bacaba?
The method of preparation of bacaba is the same as that of açaí . After being harvested, the seeds are washed and left to soak in hot water to soften the skin and facilitate the removal of the pulp in an industrial pulper, similar to a blender, powered by an electric motor. In the Northern Region of Brazil, this machine is known as “Batedeira”. But remember, bacaba is slimming!