Anus Cancer – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments!

Anus Cancer – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments and everything you should know about it. In addition,  Anus cancer arises from a lump that comprises abnormal malignant cells and afflicts the opening of the rectum. It is not a common type of cancer, and therefore often overlooked.

Cancer of the anus (or anal cancer) is a rare malignant pathology that affects the large intestine and affects the canal or the outer edges of the anus. Tumors can be of different histological types, but squamous cell carcinoma is the type that occurs most frequently, about 98% of cases.

Anal canal tumors are more common in women and those on the edges of the anus are more common in men and usually occur over 60 years of age. Also, patients are embarrassed to talk about the various symptoms they struggle with. Don’t confuse colorectal cancer with cancer of the Anus . While colorectal cancer develops in the colon , affecting the entire rectum, cancer of the Anus  only develops at the opening of the rectum.

Cancer of the anus , depending on its development, can be divided into 4 stages:

Stage 1: cancer of theis less than 2 cm;

Stage 2: Cancer of theis larger than 2 cm but is located only in the anal canal;

Stage 3: Cancer of theis any size but has spread to the lymph nodes or nearby areas such as the bladder or urethra.

Stage 4: Anus cancer hasmetastasized to other parts of the body.Canc

Anus cancer is curable and its treatment depends on the degree of development of the disease, and can be done with a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Symptoms of Anus Cancer: Some cases of cancer of the anus do not cause symptoms. In more than half of patients, bleeding occurs, which is often the first sign of the disease. At first, most people assume that hemorrhoids are the cause of the bleeding. Hemorrhoids arepainful, swollen veins in the anus and rectum that can bleed. They are a benign and very common cause of rectal bleeding.

You should never ignore or feel ashamed about the following symptoms:

  • itching in the anus
  • unusual intestine
  • Pain in the anus
  • anal bleeding
  • A hardened area or bulge near the anus
  • Strange discharge from the anus

Although scientists have yet to discover the true cause of anal cancer , the factors that most contribute to it include smoking, compromised immune systems, and recurrent irritation of the anus. Anus cancer usually affects people over the age of 60.

Discover Anus Cancer in its early stages. According to traditional medicine, here are the most efficient methods of detecting Anus cancer :

Digital Rectal Examination:  The doctor examines the anal cavity with his fingers for any existing abnormalities or lumps.

Anoscopy: Provides a clear view of the inside of the anus. A small tubular instrument known as an anoscope is inserted into the anus. It is done after the doctor detects any abnormality during the digital rectal exam.

MRIs, PET scans, X-rays, CT scans, Biopsies and Ultrasounds are also used in the detection process. However, some of the methods are controversial as some individuals believe that they can spread the spread of Anus cancer.

Treatment for Anus Cancer:  The specific treatment of Anus cancer (anal cancer) depends on the stage of the cancer, the type of cancer, and the age and general health of the patient. Anus cancer is most often treated with a combination of radiation and chemotherapy.

Radiotherapy: Uses high-energy radiation from X-rays and gamma rays to kill cancer cells. Internally emitted radiation is called internal radiation therapy or brachytherapy. Sometimes applicators containing radioactive compounds are placed directly on the cancerous lesion (interstitial radiation).

The skin in the treated area may become red and dry and may take up to a year to return to normal. Fatigue, stomach pains, diarrhea and nausea are also common complaints from patients with radiation therapy in the treatment of Anus Cancer .

Women can develop vaginal narrowing (stenosis) caused by radiation therapy to the pelvic area, which makes intercourse painful, can injure the anal sphincter and can cause anal ulcers and anal strictures.

Chemotherapy:  Uses drugs to fight cancer by killing cancer cells. Drugs can be taken orally or intravenously. Upon entering the bloodstream where it will spread to all parts of the body to kill cancer cells. Usually the combination of drugs is performed because it is more effective than a single drug in treating cancer.

Side effects of chemotherapy are significant and include stomach upset, vomiting, loss of appetite (anorexia), hair loss (alopecia), mouth sores, and fatigue. Women can develop vaginal sores, menstrual cycle changes and early menopause. There is also an increased chance of infections.

Anus Cancer Surgery May Occasionally Be Used in the Treatment of Advanced or Recurrent Anus Cancer. Lymph nodes can be surgically removed (lymphadenectomy) if they contain metastatic disease. Most of the time, cancerous tissue is removed by a procedure called a local resection. In this procedure, the muscle (sphincter muscle) that opens and closes the anus to allow the passage of stool is usually preserved.

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