Angioedema – What is it, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments!
Angioedema – What it is, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments best suited to deal with this condition. In addition, Angioedema also known as angioneurotic edema, Quincke’s edema or giant urticaria is a form of allergy, mostly affecting younger people, which causes localized and pronounced swelling of the skin, the lining of the nose, mouth, throat or digestive tract.
Angioedema is triggered by an insect bite or by contact with certain food substances, medications or pollens . The swelling is caused by the considerable accumulation of fluid in the tissues and can persist for hours or even days. This condition is also known as croup.
The greatest risk arises when Angioedema (angioneurotic edema) affects the voice box – larynx . In this case the swelling can quickly lead to a life-threatening occlusion of the air intake.
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Symptoms: Angioedema is curable when it is caused by an allergic reaction or medication intake, however, in other cases, it cannot be cured and, therefore, situations that provoke its appearance should be avoided.
The main symptom of this type of Angioedema is swelling of the skin in various places on the body that lasts up to 3 days and does not cause itching, however other symptoms include:
- Chemosis ;
- Pain at the swelling sites;
- Sensation of heat in the affected region;
- Difficulty breathing;
- Swollen eyes and mouth.
In more severe cases, Angioedema can also cause swelling of the intestines or throat, causing abdominal cramps , diarrhea or difficulty breathing. In addition, if Angioedema is not treated properly, symptoms of anaphylactic shock such as sweating or itching may develop.
Causes: Angioedema is a form of urticaria associated with edema. It is associated with food allergy, drug allergy, or a sensitization to hymenopteran venoms (bee, wasp, bumblebee, etc.), urticaria , anaphylaxis, and serum sickness.
During this allergic reaction, histamine is released into the bloodstream, causing many of the symptoms of the condition. Angioedema can also be hereditary, being, in this condition, an autosomal dominant disorder. Often, the cause of Angioedema is never discovered.
Treatments: Mild symptoms may not need treatment, but moderate and severe signs of the disease do need to be managed. In this case, the treatment for Angioedema is basically done with the use of medication. Antihistamines and hormonal anti-inflammatories (corticosteroids) can be used mainly.
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Treatment consists of high doses of corticosteroids or with adrenaline. In cases where the blockage threatens the passage of air and the condition is not reversed by the injection, the only hope of saving life may be a tracheotomy. It involves a vigorous cut from the skin to the windpipe just below the Adam’s apple.