Acute Pancreatitis – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments!

Acute Pancreatitis – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments  capable of reducing pain and eliminating this disease once and for all. Also,  Acute Pancreatitis is inflammation in the pancreas . The pancreas is a gland located behind the stomach in the upper abdomen. Among its functions is to digest the fats and carbohydrates we ingest using pancreatic juice, a substance that contains digestive enzymes.

Some people have more than one attack and recover completely after each one, but acute pancreatitis can be serious, life-threatening and have many complications. About 80 000 cases occur in the United States each year, about 20% of them are serious. In our country (Brazil), Acute Pancreatitis occurs more frequently in women than in men .

In addition, the pancreas  is responsible for producing the hormones insulin and glucagon. Insulin is responsible for reducing blood sugar levels, while glucagon has the opposite effect, increasing these concentrations.

Acute pancreatitis occurs suddenly and lasts for a short time and usually gets better. Chronic pancreatitis does not get better on its own and leads to a gradual destruction of the pancreas . Either way can cause serious complications.

In severe cases, bleeding, tissue damage, and infection can occur. Pseudocysts, which are accumulations of fluid and tissue debris, can also develop. Enzymes and toxins can enter the bloodstream, damage the heart, lungs and kidneys, or other organs. So, check out more about  Acute Pancreatitis – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments:

Symptoms of Acute Pancreatitis:  Some symptoms can increase pain and discomfort.

  • When any of these symptoms are accompanied by abdominal pain, you should seek immediate medical care.
  • Distended and sensitive abdomen;
  • Fever;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin);
  • Diarrhea;
  • Swelling;
  • intense sweating;
  • fast pulse;

Pain can vary depending on certain factors. These include:

  • Pain inside after drinking or eating food;
  • Pain spreading from your abdomen to your back or left shoulder area
  • Pain that lasts for several days at a time;
  • Pain when you lie on your back, more so than when you are sitting.

Causes  of  Acute Pancreatitis: Acute  Pancreatitis is caused directly or indirectly. Direct causes affect the pancreas itself , its tissues, or its ducts. Indirect causes result from diseases or conditions that originate elsewhere in your body.

Acute pancreatitis occurs when digestive enzymes produced in the pancreas  are activated inside the organ, causing damage. During normal digestion, inactivated pancreatic enzymes move through ducts in the pancreas  and travel to the small intestine, where they are activated and aid digestion.

This causes these enzymes to irritate the cells of the pancreas , causing inflammation and the signs and symptoms associated with acute pancreatitis . Acute pancreatitis occurs when this inflammation happens suddenly, and doesn’t usually last more than a few days. Among the various causes are:

  • Gallstone ;
  • sudden attacks of the immune system on the pancreas  or autoimmune pancreatitis;
  • Pancreatic damage or surgery or gallbladder injury;
  • Excessive fats called triglycerides in your blood;
  • Abdominal surgery;
  • Complications resulting from cystic fibrosis ;
  • Hypercalcemia;
  • genetics
  • Hyperparathyroidism;
  • Viral infections such as mumps and pneumonia;
  • Abdominal injuries;
  • Pancreatic cancer ;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Kawasaki disease ;
  • Reye’s Syndrome.

Treatment  of  Acute Pancreatitis:  The treatment is clinical, which includes fasting (until the pain and vomiting improves), intense hydration (with serum in the vein) and medication to control pain and vomiting. There is a need to remove the causative factor, such as alcohol withdrawal, suspension of medications, correction of metabolic alterations, etc. Obviously this patient must remain hospitalized.

Surgery is indicated in cases that are caused by abdominal trauma and are associated with injuries to other organs (spleen, liver, kidney, intestines, blood vessels, etc.) collection of pus) or partial or total necrosis of the pancreas .

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