9 weeks pregnant: doubts? All you need to know!
At 9 weeks of gestation , the facial features of the future baby continue to be defined, the genital apparatus of the embryo begins to form, although the sex of the baby is genetically determined, from the moment of conception. The pregnant woman is likely to continue to experience the discomforts of the first trimester of pregnancy. It is common for pregnant women to have greater sensitivity in the breasts.
It is a very special and magical moment because after the first two months the mother relaxes and the awareness of being pregnant increases. Most have yet to tell almost anyone, but the desire to do so grows. The baby grows and you feel how time passes very quickly.
Baby development at 9 weeks of pregnancy:
Your child’s appearance begins to look more like the baby you will hold in your arms in a few months. It has already formed the basic structure of your little body. This week your baby is the size of a grape. It measures almost 2.5 centimeters!
There are a lot of changes this week: your heart, that little heart you can already hear on ultrasounds, has just been divided into four chambers and valves are forming.
The embryonic tail he had at the end of his spine disappeared. Your sex organs have already developed, but you still can’t tell if it’s going to be a girl or a boy, although you’ll soon know!
Your ears are already formed on the outside and later this week, they will be formed on the inside as well. He has a nice nose and can move his legs and arms. His eyes are fully formed, although his eyelids are still fused together and don’t open until 27 weeks.
It has small lobes in its ears and you can better distinguish its mouth, eyes, and holes in its nose. The placenta is already more developed and can start to produce hormones.
The genitals of the future baby begin to form:
Although the baby’s sex is determined from the moment of conception, it is at the 9th week of gestation that a primitive protuberance, the genital tubercle, begins to form. From there, the genital apparatus of the future baby will be developed. But it’s still too early for your baby’s sex to be observed by ultrasound.
It is also in this week of pregnancy, when the embryo begins to produce urine, which it eliminates in the amniotic fluid. So, your digestive system continues to evolve.
Symptoms of the 9th week of pregnancy:
At the moment, few changes. We are in the first quarter, with all the typical changes. The discomforts of pregnancy are totally changing from woman to woman, and while some are perfectly fine, others are very poorly tolerated with Nausea , the feeling of increased tiredness and, of course, the dreaded dizziness .
Dizziness occurs because blood pressure has been reduced . The mother’s body is adapting to have more blood in circulation you will need to meet the baby’s demands. For the heart to move more blood, without forcing need to lower blood pressure .
This is the cause of that feeling of tiredness, dizziness and even fainting occurs. We must remember, and avoid situations that increase the risk of dizziness , such as standing for a long time, not standing up abruptly… Of course, all these symptoms can be more pronounced in warmer climates, or if pregnancy starts in midsummer.
It is normal for no clear change in the mother’s body to be noticed at the moment. Although the uterus is still growing and is almost twice its normal size, it is still inside the pelvis. The swelling that many pregnancies in the lower abdomen experience is due to fluid retention , and this can change in each case.
Changes in the body at 9 weeks of pregnancy:
Although your belly hasn’t grown much yet, you may feel a certain bulge, especially if this isn’t your first baby.
This feeling could also be due to an excess of gas. Bloating and gas occur because you are producing a large amount of progesterone, which relaxes certain muscle tissues. This affects the stomach and intestines, which being “softer” cause slow movements, with consequent bloating and gas.
The greater the amount of food, the more likely you are to feel uncomfortable. That’s why it’s good to have several light meals throughout the day instead of three big ones.
Diet for women at 9 weeks of pregnancy:
You should incorporate Vitamin C into your diet, essential during pregnancy from now on, at your 9th week of pregnancy . Vitamin C will help the baby’s bone development and the formation of teeth and skin. Due to its anti-infective properties, it can destroy any free radicals that try to damage cells. Vitamin C will also be good for you to prevent anemia . You can find this supplement especially in fruits: Tangerines , Oranges , Kiwis , Mangoes , Strawberries , etc.
There are also foods you should avoid during pregnancy. Don’t drink unpasteurized milk or cheese, because you can catch listeria, a bacteria that can harm your baby. Do not add raw eggs to your diet to avoid salmonella, do not eat processed foods from unhealthy animals: sausages, pâtés and raw meats or fish.
A healthy diet is always important, but especially in pregnancy. In your diet there should always be fruits and vegetables that will provide you with vitamins and fiber, vegetables, meats and fish because they are rich in the nutrients you need.
Pregnancy management at the 9th week of pregnancy:
Between 8 and 12 weeks of gestation, it is common to schedule the first blood test, which will give us information, what the mother’s blood group is, and substances that will be used in the first trimester screening will normally be analyzed.
As explained in more detail in our encyclopedia of pregnancy, first trimester screening is the test that lets us know if there is a greater risk of fetal chromosome problems, and the results of the first blood test are part of that screening. It is not yet time for transvaginal ultrasound, but at this point you can already see the usual movements: the fetus stretches around the trunk and frequently moves arms and legs.
Fun facts at 9 weeks of pregnancy:
If you have a normal, risk-free pregnancy, there is no impediment to having sex with your partner. A normal sex life poses no risk to the baby as it is perfectly protected inside the uterus and the cervix is sealed. Coital penetration will not affect the fetus as the amniotic fluid will also protect it.
However, in the first stage of pregnancy, your sex drive may decrease. If at the 9th week of pregnancy your libido is lower than normal, don’t worry. It is mainly associated with discomfort during this period, such as nausea , tiredness or drowsiness.
If your usual bra puts pressure on you, it’s time to change that. You’ll need one that’s usually a size or two larger than yours, preferably made of cotton and without hoops so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Another measure you can take to take care of your breast is to hydrate it from the beginning to avoid stretch marks and to exercise your pectoral muscles to keep your breast firm.