41 weeks pregnant: doubts? All you need to know!
In this post we will cover everything you need to know at 41 weeks gestation to take care of your pregnancy, the last two weeks before delivery can cause a lot of worries, right? But you should calm down and consult the gynecologist any doubts that may arise these days, as well as the symptoms you experience so that he properly controls the health of the baby and the pregnancy is not in danger.
I bet you never imagined being 41 weeks pregnant . But here you are! Because of your baby’s extra time in the womb, he or she is likely to be heavier and more alert at birth than a previously born baby.
I bet you never imagined being 41 weeks pregnant . But here you are! Because of your baby’s extra time in the womb, he or she is likely to be heavier and more alert at birth than a previously born baby.
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Also, at 41 weeks pregnant , anxiety can feel like it’s killing you, but rest assured that many expectant moms go beyond their due date and everything turns out fine. You can be truly grateful that you had that extra time before dirty diapers and newborn feedings took over your world.
Your life at 41 weeks pregnant:
It’s hard not to be anxious at 41 weeks pregnant , when your due date comes and goes and you’re still immensely pregnant (especially when well-meaning friends and family keep calling to check on your status!). But don’t worry – you won’t be pregnant forever. There’s a good chance you’ll go into labor alone this week, and if you don’t, you’ll be induced for 42 weeks, or sooner if you or your baby has any problems.
The methods your doctor uses to induce labor will depend on the condition of your cervix. If the cervix has not started to soften, efface (thin) or dilate (open up), it is considered “unripe” or not yet ready for labor. In this case, your provider will use hormones or “mechanical” methods to mature the cervix before induction. Sometimes they end up starting their work too. Depending on your situation, procedures may include peeling or tearing your membranes or using drugs like oxytocin (Pitocin) to start your contractions. If these and other methods don’t work, you’ll end up having a C-section.
However, be sure to tell your doctor or midwife right away if your baby’s movements are slow or if any fluid is coming out of your vagina.
Physical changes at 41 weeks gestation:
Your prenatal checks may include specific posting dates or past maturity assessments when you are 41 weeks pregnant . You may be sent for a pair of CTGs (cardiographs) this week, as well as an ultrasound. The amount of amniotic fluid around the baby can be measured, as can the size of the baby and the location of the placenta. The placenta does not function as efficiently in late pregnancies and it is important that its function is monitored.
You may be asked to keep a record of your baby’s movements and activities this week. If there is a significant change or decrease in your movements, you will need to present at the maternity ward. In addition, you may feel pressure on your cervix this week, a sensation that is difficult to describe. Similar to the pain felt when having a Pap smear, it can come and go depending on how much pressure the baby’s head is applying.
Your cervix will be maturing now, which means it’s thinning out, ready to start dilating. During active labor, the cervix will need to dilate to 10 centimeters to allow the baby’s head and body to exit the uterus.
You may experience an increase in vaginal discharge as the cells in your cervix produce a white, watery substance. Some women may have a mucous sample this week as well, and while this is not a true sign of labor, it is an indication that something is up.
Symptoms of 41 weeks of pregnancy:
Common symptoms that appear at 41 weeks gestation are a continuation of your other third trimester symptoms. Most notably:
- Pelvic discomfort: The baby may be moving lower and lower, putting pressure on the bladder and cervix and causing more and more pain below.
- Hemorrhoids: This pelvic pressure causes swollen varicose veins in the rectum, causing Hemorrhoids . They are not pretty and can get worse when you push the baby out. But eventually the swelling will die down.
- Difficulty sleeping: It’s the hormones – and your nerves! – that keep you from getting a good night’s sleep. You won’t get much sleep after the baby arrives, so this is good practice. But it’s also a good idea to get as much rest as possible for delivery.
- Frequent urination: The baby is practically sitting on its bladder at this point. So get ready for several trips to the bathroom!
- Contractions: Abdominal tightening is happening more and more noticeably and frequently as the baby prepares for delivery.
Signs of labor at 41 weeks gestation:
When you reach 41 weeks of gestation , signs of labor can also be written inside your eyelids. You probably know these things by heart! But just in case, here goes. Call your doctor if you have:
- A constant leak that could indicate that your water broke.
- Frequent or painful contractions that don’t stop.
- You should also call your doctor if you have common symptoms, such as bleeding or abdominal pain.
If you’re 41 weeks pregnant and so far haven’t felt the signs of labor, try to be patient! Just because you’re not dilated doesn’t mean you can’t go into labor tomorrow. It’s really unpredictable like that!
The Baby at 41 Weeks of Pregnancy:
Your baby can now weigh nearly 8 pounds and stretch a little over 20 inches in length. As cozy as it is, your baby can’t stay inside you forever. For safety reasons, your doctor or midwife will talk to you about inducing labor if your baby isn’t due within the next week — or sooner if there’s a problem.
Most healthcare providers won’t allow you to wait longer than two weeks after your due date, as this puts you and your baby at a higher risk for complications. After 42 weeks, your labor is more likely to be prolonged or stopped. You and your baby are at an increased risk of injury during vaginal delivery, and there is an increased risk of stillbirth.
Inducing labor at 41 weeks gestation:
Pregnancy after 40 weeks isn’t exactly fun. You’re big, you’re mentally ready for the baby, and everyone you see says, “Are you still pregnant?!” Go ahead and try every natural method of inducing labor in the books, as long as it’s safe (so check with your doctor first). Eat spicy foods (if it doesn’t give you heartburn), walk like crazy, have sex (if you can), and maybe try acupuncture (even if you’re a skeptic)!
Your obstetrician may begin discussing the option of having a medical induction at 41 weeks’ gestation , since babies who go far beyond their due date may be at a higher risk of problems. Ask your doctor lots of questions about what’s involved and what the specific risks are because you’re 41 weeks pregnant .
Getting induced has some good points (like not having to rush to the hospital during labor!). But there’s something to be said for not rushing the baby. Some women say that contractions are stronger and more painful during an induction. Others say it’s more comfortable to wait for labor to start at home than in a delivery room.
If you choose to have labor induced at 41 Weeks of Pregnancy , there are several ways to do this:
- Removing the membranes: This is actually a natural method of induction, but your doctor will need to perform it. Fortunately, this can be done in the doctor’s office and does not require a trip to the hospital. If you’re willing to try this potentially painful procedure, your doctor will run his fingers around the amniotic sac, separating the membranes and releasing hormones that could stimulate labor. This doesn’t always work, but if it does, you could be in labor in a matter of hours.
- Artificial Membrane Rupture (AROM): Your doctor can pop your bag for you using a thin plastic hook. This can be done if you have contractions but the work hasn’t progressed.
- Medications: Two types of medication can be used to induce labor at 41 weeks’ gestation . A prostaglandin suppository can be inserted as a tampon overnight to initiate cervical dilation. Oxytocin can be given intravenously to initiate contractions.
Some facts about 41 weeks of pregnancy:
It’s a relatively low (but important) percentage of women who make it to 42 weeks of pregnancy. There is an explanation of having reached the postpartum period, and that is that an error was made in establishing the expected date of delivery, since it is not calculated from conception or fertilization, but from the first day you had the last menstruation.
Risks to the baby and mother at 41 weeks of pregnancy:
There are a number of events after exceeding the delivery date stipulated by the doctor. To begin with, the placenta will no longer function effectively, it will gradually deteriorate and the baby will not receive the necessary amount of nutrients. An excess of waste produced by the fetus can also accumulate.
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In addition, the hypersuture of the placenta influences the oxygen that the baby receives, something that would put your body at risk. So that this doesn’t happen, the gynecologist has everything under control and there will be no problem if the delivery is induced. Other risks arise from umbilical cord compression or meconium aspiration.