38 weeks pregnant: doubts? All you need to know

38 weeks gestation . Your baby is approaching full-term and full maturity. You may literally be breathing a little easier now that baby is down, reducing upper abdominal pressure. That said, just getting up to get a glass of water can seem like a daunting task.

This week, you just can’t stop peeing, your baby is almost ready to be born, and it’s time for your partner to help you plan ahead. Here’s all the essential information you need to know when you reach 38 weeks pregnant .

How big is my baby at 38 weeks pregnant?

Your baby is now the length of a leek , and still growing rapidly, now weighing 3 pounds and measuring about 50 centimeters in length. While it could be anytime your baby decides to make her big appearance, the maximum time is four weeks – so you’re almost there!

What is my baby doing at 38 weeks pregnant?

Your baby is a fully functioning little human, although he is still practicing breathing and swallowing. If you have a little boy, then his testicles have descended into his scrotum now.

And girls may have slightly enlarged breasts (this is just the effect of their hormones and will subside after birth). Her placenta is also fully grown and weighs around 500 g!

Your baby’s lungs are still maturing and producing surfactant, the substance that keeps the air sacs in the lungs from sticking together when he starts to breathe. He will also continue to shed vernix and lanugo and swallow amniotic fluid.

She’s also been tweaking her brain and nervous system these past few important weeks, and also adding fat, perfect for creating a pair of adorable plump cheeks for you to squeeze.

As for eye color, I may not be able to say right away. If she was born with brown eyes, she will likely turn brown, whereas if she was born with dark blue or gray eyes, she may turn gray or blue or turn green, brown, or brown when she is nine months old. The reason for this is that your baby’s iris – the colored part of the eye – may gain more pigment in the months after birth, but they usually don’t get lighter or bluer, and green, hazel, and hazel eyes have more pigment than they do. than gray or blue eyes.

What is my body doing at 38 weeks pregnant?

You might feel like you’re spending most of your life in the bathroom – the pressure on your bladder is so extreme right now that it’s squished into a pancake (seriously!). But, annoying as it is, you must stay hydrated. Another reason you might have to camp on the toilet is that you might also have diarrhea . Oh the joy!

If so, it’s your body making room for the baby to emerge – yes, it’s a sign that your little one is on your way soon. Word of advice: avoid foods high in fat or high in fiber and instead eat light soups, toast and ice cream.

And if leaking from her lower extremity isn’t enough, her breasts (which may now be of gigantic proportions) could be discharging a thin, yellowish fluid called colostrum.

It’s basically the first milk your baby will receive, which is full of antibodies, and has less fat, sugar and more protein than the milk that arrives later. If it affects you, it’s probably not the time to wear your best whistler top. And if it’s a more complete seepage than mere drops, put some nursing pads in your bra. Your last antenatal appointment is this week unless it is delayed, so make a list of any last-minute questions to ask your midwife.

What to do at 38 weeks of pregnancy?

Make a checklist for Dad! Some parents feel they are a spare part for now – but they are far from it. There are many things they can do to help you. Make a list and stick it on the fridge – this will make him feel needed and important, which of course he is, and will also help you feel more in control of what’s going on. Here are some ideas of things he can do:

  • Make an email list and phone numbers of all the doctors, antenatal specialists, and friends you can call for advice and support.
  • Stock up on a month’s worth of essential groceries and a few simple ready meals that you can freeze. (Or, if he’s on hand in the kitchen, have him cook a bunch of stuff you can freeze for those nights when you’re too busy to cook.)
  • Plan a “date night” for this week: a night where you make yourself feel loved and special.
  • Clean the bath! Your stomach is too big to do that right now, and a hot bath can be really relaxing in the early stages of labor.
  • Get a pedicure. You haven’t been able to see your toes for a while, let alone prepare them!
  • Make sure the baby seat is installed correctly.
  • Make sure the car has enough gas at all times.
  • Learn more about postpartum depression and warning signs to watch out for.

How is my baby at 32 weeks of pregnancy?

Their soft fluffy skin is gone, fat is being deposited to give them energy for the first few days while breast milk is coming in and they are ready for the real world. Now, it’s all about positioning yourself for the birth.

Your baby is still growing and filling your uterus – but that doesn’t mean your movements should slow down.

If your baby is not moving as much as he used to, or if you are concerned about his movements for any reason, talk to your midwife or doctor right away. A change in your baby’s movements could be a sign that they need help.

What you need to know at 38 weeks pregnant:

  • This week you will have your last prenatal appointment, unless you are late. So make a list of any final questions you may have for your midwife. These can range from dealing with early labor to pain relief. Or you may prefer to ask for advice on natural ways to ease the pain of childbirth.
  • Your partner should try to relax too and enjoy some activities that there won’t be time for the baby to arrive. Some parents-to-be worry about feeling a bit like a spare part, while the mother does all the hard work of giving birth. She assures him that there is a lot he can do to support him. She can help you read about what birth partners would like to know before birth.
  • As for last-minute preparations, collect the exchanges for the vending machines and make sure your phones are fully charged. If you already have children, double-check your childcare reserve plans when labor begins.
  • Losing your mucus plug is one of the signs of childbirth, but the time remaining can be hours, days, or weeks.
  • Pelvic floor exercises aren’t just for delivery to birth – in fact, they’re done immediately after birth – as long as you don’t have a catheter.
  • If contractions last longer than 30 seconds, coming in every 5 minutes, it’s time to make that call!
  • Babies born after 42 weeks are described as “post-term”, while those born before 37 weeks are “premature”.

Your pregnancy symptoms at 38 weeks pregnant:

Leaking nipples:

Your breasts are producing colostrum – a very special, nutrient-rich milk for your baby’s first few days. Don’t be alarmed if you find yellow marks on your bra or any moisture.

If necessary, buy some absorbent breast pads – they can come in handy when the baby arrives, too.

Signs of labor at 38 weeks gestation:

At 38 weeks gestation , signs of labor can begin. Some of the first signs you’ll get into soon include:

1. Bloody mucus:

You may have a discharge that is thick like mucus (the mucus plug) and may be slightly bloody in color. This is a sign that your cervix is ​​starting to dilate in preparation for birth.

2. Diarrhea:

At 38 weeks pregnant , diarrhea may not be from the spicy food you’ve eaten, it could be a sign that birth hormones are present in your body. It might be time to go very soon.

3. Nausea:

The same goes for 38 weeks pregnant nausea . This is not a measurable sign of labor, but some women swear they feel nauseous just before labor begins.

4. Contractions:

At 38 weeks pregnant , contractions can be a normal part of your day — or maybe you haven’t noticed anything yet. But know that if your 38 weeks pregnant  belly starts to tighten at regular intervals and doesn’t stop, chances are you’re in the early stages of labor. Painful contractions or those that are less than five minutes apart mean you should go to the hospital!

5. Back pain:

You may have had back pain for weeks, but at 38 weeks pregnant , back pain that is severe or sudden could actually be labor, so let your doctor know if you are experiencing this symptom at 38 weeks’ gestation .

6. Water break:

If you feel a drop of water, it means that the amniotic sac has ruptured and fluid is leaking. Childbirth usually starts right after a woman breaks water, so let your obstetrician know if you have this 38 week pregnancy symptom .

At 38 weeks gestation , induction of labor may be medically necessary if you have a complication like preeclampsia or gestational diabetes , a uterine infection, or a placental problem. Otherwise, if you’re 38 weeks pregnant with twins, or if you’re bleeding at 38 weeks’ gestation , your doctor might say, “It’s time!”

This might send any mom who thought she had two more weeks into a panic, but know that everything will be fine. We can never really be 100% ready (well, maybe you’re one of those women who makes it to week 42), and you and the baby are in good hands while in the care of your obstetrician and pediatrician.

Remember, at 38 weeks pregnant , inducing labor naturally is not recommended – the baby usually needs a little more time inside – and some methods are not considered safe. So, if you want to try to stimulate labor, see your doctor first and wait at least another week for your baby to be “full time”.

Recommendations for 38 weeks of pregnancy:

Let’s see some suggestions and special recommendations for 38 weeks of pregnancy :

  • You can feel very hungry in the last two weeks of pregnancy that remain, the best thing is that you always have a fruit on hand so that you can eat at any time.
  • It is important that you take much more care of your intimate hygiene in order to avoid any infection that could occur and that could harm your work.
  • At  38 weeks pregnant , your doctor will advise you to perform a cardiotocographic exam, which consists of measuring your baby’s beats, along with the contractions of the uterus, to determine if everything is ok.
  • Talking to other mothers can calm you down. Get together with family and friends who have had babies to tell you your questions.
  • Maybe this week you’ll be encouraged to fix up the baby’s room one more time. This is normal and in psychology it is known as nesting, as mothers have the instinct to fix everything for the arrival of the baby.

Frequently asked questions at 38 weeks of pregnancy:

We want to answer all the questions you have this week, so we’ve made a selection of the most frequently asked questions mothers-to-be ask themselves at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

38 Weeks of Gestation How many months is it?

At 38 weeks pregnant you are already in the last week of your eighth month of pregnancy. It’s just a week before you officially enter the ninth and final month of your pregnancy, although next week could also be the last of the sweet wait.

At 38 Weeks of Pregnancy, Do I Have to Have an Ultrasound?

It is not necessary. Already at this stage you are expecting a baby and all you get is to be on the lookout for signs of work to call your specialist and go to the health center. Perhaps your doctor may want to perform a new ultrasound in the event that the baby’s position above wasn’t right, so if this week hasn’t turned around, chances are you’ll schedule a C-section.

What is the Baby’s Position at 38 Weeks of Pregnancy?

At 38 weeks pregnant , your baby is not only in the head position (head down), but the top of your baby’s head should already be embedded in the top opening of your pelvis, which will cause your belly to drop down and contractions to come. any time.

How are the baby’s movements at 38 weeks pregnant?

Your baby should move at least 10 times every two hours. If you are on the move or doing some activity, you cannot track the movements, although it is important that you put a specific amount of time on rest and start counting the movements. If you notice them decreasing, call your doctor right away.

Is the belly normal?

Yes. This is a sign that contractions are approaching and that you should be prepared and aware of the signs. If you’re throwing up amniotic fluid or you get rhythmic contractions and more and more followed, then congratulations, because you’re about to meet your baby.

Useful links: 

Note: It is important to note that each baby develops at a different rate, experts say even this happens when the baby is in the womb. This page was created to give you a general guide to how pregnancy progresses and how the baby develops. Each pregnancy is particular. If you have any doubts, questions or inconveniences, consult your doctor.

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